Find the beauty and share it with loved ones.

This restaurant in Antique Guatemala had hanging wooden thingies and I found them beautiful.

Hello, friend.

This week I experienced how friendships help to build the current versions of ourselves.

It was Monday and I saw a 2×1 promo for pumpkin spice lattes with tapioca. I resisted the urge to buy it but finally gave up on Thursday. The experience wasn’t at all about the promo, it was about time traveling.

When I tasted it, I immediately time travelled to 2010. I was 20 yo again and was living alone in Mexico. A friend contacted me to show me his favorite spots in the city and we spent the entire afternoon chatting and drinking bubble tea with tapioca.

Now I get how important those days were, I was socializing, discovering a new city with the eyes of a citizen, building a friendship, laughing all afternoon, tasting new dishes, and saving memories for my 30s.

His kindness by discovering new places and finding the beauty in them, has helped to shape the current version that I am. When I go out, if I go out, I try to go to a new place everytime to find the beauty in it and share it with the people I love.

Last month we went to a new restaurant with my mom that had a bull sculpture made with wood, last week we went to a new place with my friends that had a tree in the middle of it. And in both cases, we did laugh and talk the entire afternoon.

Hope you enjoy new places, find the beauty in them and share them with the ones you love.

Best wishes from San Salvador.

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